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Objectdock 1.95
Published on March 18, 2008 By
Any news on when 1.95 is coming out?
I noticed it has dissapeared from the 'coming soon' section.
I need that 64-bit support!
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on Mar 22, 2008
Nobody knows anything these days, it seems. I would also appreciate 64-bit support because in less than a month I'm going to be upgrading my system and 64-bit stuff looks awfully tempting...
on Mar 22, 2008
An answer wont probably be forth coming this weekend, as I believe most SD staff are off til tuesday.
on Mar 22, 2008
An answer wont probably be forth coming this weekend, as I believe most SD staff are off til tuesday.
Of course, we're all allowed to celebrate Easter
Fingers crossed that when the answer does come (aka some time next week), it'll be the one we want to hear.
on Mar 22, 2008
if u own objectdock plus, 64-bit support (vista at least) is enabled by opting into the beta version.
on Mar 22, 2008
*oops, it dbl posted*
on Mar 23, 2008
if u own objectdock plus, 64-bit support (vista at least) is enabled by opting into the beta version.
Let's have it in the stable build already. WindowBlinds users have had it for over 8 months now, things seem to drag on a bit much in equivalent department...
on Mar 23, 2008
Well Considering what we've been seeing coming out in the form of Impulse,My Colors,Dreamscape,IP4 Alpha. They have been hard at work, and the new stuff all is very impressive.
With all the Huge Changes Etc going about, I cant wait to see whats in store for OD..
on Mar 23, 2008
iVAN are you going to hijack every thread with your own complaints?
on Mar 23, 2008
...I cant wait to see whats in store for OD...
Me neither. ODP is the main product from Stardock that I use so sometimes I shed a tear seeing all the goodness coming out...but nothing for me
64-bit support is an essential component and, personally right now, I wouldn't use/buy any software that doesn't have it.
iVAN are you going to hijack every thread with your own complaints?
Well considering no one else is complaining then I think that people aren't getting a clear picture of what's happening. Besides, this thread is about 1.95 update so I shared my thoughts about it. If they are complaints then so be it. Let's not pretend that everything is rosy and birds are singing when it comes to ODP, shall we?
on Mar 23, 2008
the birds are singing here. i've been using opd on vista64 since vista was released and i have yet to experience any issues. maybe nobody else is complaining because they're pretty happy with the app. currently, i'm unhappy with wb6 not working properly on vista64.
on Mar 23, 2008
the birds are singing here. i've been using opd on vista64 since vista was released and i have yet to experience any issues
I'm sure it's a well-known fact that different people can have different experiences on the same setup, so your ride into the sunset isn't necessarily indicative that there are no issues that need to be dealt with.
maybe nobody else is complaining because they're pretty happy with the app
Those who happy wouldn't complain, but those who aren't happy have every right to and it's that group that SD needs to concentrate on.
currently, i'm unhappy with wb6 not working properly on vista64.
Be my guest and take that into WindowBlinds section of this forum, thanks
Though I'm suprised at that because last summer's 5.51 update was supposed to get WindowBlinds up to speed on Vista 64-bit. You would have thought that they would have migrated it from 5.51 to 6, wouldn't you? Just shows...
on Mar 23, 2008
Just shows that SD has been working hard on things trying to get the latest and greatest up and going. As well as the Alphas and Betas weve seen show they are still working on updates. Even tho they may take more time to get to us.
Vista has Apparently put a big wrinkle in things. Cut the Folks some slack. SD has always come up to the task and never ceased to be right there keeping us up on things. Occasionally even the Big Guys need a bit of time to get things sorted, Vista for example.
on Mar 23, 2008
Just shows that SD has been working hard on things trying to get the latest and greatest up and going. As well as the Alphas and Betas weve seen show they are still working on updates. Even tho they may take more time to get to us.
It also shows that, in comparison to WindowBlinds users, ODP users has been left out in terms of updates in the past calendar year. It also shows that to update from 1.9 to whatever the next release will be it's taking Stardock almost 2 and a half times longer than it took them to go from 1.5 to 1.9.
Vista has Apparently put a big wrinkle in things. Cut the Folks some slack. SD has always come up to the task and never ceased to be right there keeping us up on things. Occasionally even the Big Guys need a bit of time to get things sorted, Vista for example.
No denying, Vista has been more or less a headache for devs. However, all the problems I'm having right now are not OS-related. There seems to be a basic lack of info about when betas and updates will be released. Yes, Big Guys need time. However, it's this lack of information for stable build users about when updates will come and non-existent 2-way relationship between beta testers and devs and subsequent lack of proactive feedback that creates the impression that nothing is being done. It's all well and good us being told that they are hard working, but show us the goods and back those words up.
on Apr 17, 2008
is this still coming out?
i need fixes for vista 64bit and ive been wait for this new version to come out for 8 months now, what has happened to its production?
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